Foxfell Fiction

Self-Publishing Resources

Editors & Formaters

Cover Designers & Artists

On-Demand Printing Services

Book Marketing

Registering Book & Copyrights


Finding reliable professionals in the writing world isn't always as easy as a Google search.

We’ve compiled a curated list of trusted companies and freelancers that can help you along on your own author journey. Every link below has been personally used by us in some way. These are only to serve as helpful suggestions, finding the team best suited for your book can be done however you feel.

To learn more about self-publishing, check out our comprehensive guide here.

Editors & Formaters

Please Note: Finding the right editor to work alongside your style and vision is vital. We suggest finding your own professional freelancing editor for a better result. The value in a direct, personal interaction can allow for a strong back and forth harmony between the writer and editor, which can span across an entire series or other book related projects.

Cover Designers & Artists

Please Note: Be prepared with a design in mind before enlisting outside help. You need to guide the artist or designer in the visual direction for your book, not the other way around.

On-Demand Printing Services

Amazon / Kindle Direct Publishing (Strongly Suggested)

Pros: Author programs such as Kindle Unlimited, free ISBN option, design tools, expansive data accessible, easy to update information.
Cons: Large royalty fee to enhance distribution, does not show total books sold in data.

IngramSpark (Strongly Suggested)

Pros: Worldwide distribution, hardcover options, helpful cover template tool.
Cons: Upfront fees, updating manuscript fees, wider learning curve.

Barnes & Noble Press (Not Suggested in Some Cases)

Pros: eBook publishing is simple to learn, expanded market to Nook readers, easy to set up book sales.
Cons: Selling an ebook on other platforms removes Amazon's program for Kindle Unlimited, the future of publishing through B&N seems rocky.

Please Note: Many on-demand printing services exist, but we do not have personal experiences with them. Be sure to research which platform best suits you and your books needs.

Book Marketing

Please Note: Marketing is tricky business. There are no guarantees that it will pay off. Take calculated risks and apply trial and error to each tactic.

Registering Book & Copyrights

This applies for US residents only.

Please Note: a book that is published technically has a copyright by default, however, if you wish to take that next step to secure your work, you can.

Guide to Self-Publishing Online

11 page comprehensive guide from manuscript to post-publication. Loaded with tips and tricks from four-time self-published author, Sara Secora. Reduce the headache and uncover the self-publishing mystery!

Only $9.00

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